

Sanitärschläuche aus Edelstahl

Sanitary Fittings bietet eine große Auswahl an Edelstahlrohrverbindungen, darunter Edelstahllegierungen 304 und 316L, mit Größen von 1 bis 12 Zoll für ausgewählte Modelle. Diese hochwertigen Verbindungen werden gemäß 3A-Standards hergestellt und sind für den Einsatz in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen wie Lebensmittel-, Molkerei-, Getränke- und Pharmabetrieben sowie anderen Industrie- und Fertigungsumgebungen konzipiert. Wir sind stolz darauf, hygienische Edelstahlverbindungen zu liefern, die auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zugeschnitten sind. Für weitere Informationen können Sie uns gerne kontaktieren.

Ansicht als

Stainless Steel Sanitary Tubing for Diverse Applications

No matter your application needs–food and beverage manufacturing, dairy processing, or biopharmaceutical production–our sanitary tubing meets the highest standards for cleanliness, durability, and performance.

Made from premium 304 and 316L stainless steel, our sanitary tubing is corrosion resistant and available in various surface finish options, including 20Ra and 15Ra electropolish.

At Eagle Fittings, our manufacturing process starts with carefully selected, cold-rolled stainless steel strips. Strips are chosen with utmost care, and its chemical elements expertly controlled to optimize weldability. Each tube undergoes extensive cold-working of the weld bead to create a virtually undetectable longitudinal weld. The tubing is then bright annealed in a controlled atmosphere, a meticulous process to preserve maximum structural integrity and results in a smooth, polished finish. 

Wall Thickness Options

We offer a wide range of sanitary tube wall thickness options for your pressure and structural requirements. Our tubing, available in various tube OD sizes, is precisely manufactured to maintain uniform wall thicknesses. These range from 0.065 inches (16 gauge) for sizes up to 3 inches, to thicker options like 0.083 inches (14 gauge) for 4-inch tubing, and 0.109 inches (12 gauge) for 6-inch and 8-inch tubing. 

Adherence to Industry Standards

Our stainless steel tubing is meticulously manufactured to meet ASTM specifications (A270), as well as several other stringent standards. We have sanitary tubing offerings that are compliant with ASME BPE (BioProcessing Equipment) standards for biopharmaceutical processes requiring the highest levels of hygiene and integrity. We also meet 3-A Sanitary Standards, specifically Number 63-04, for sanitary food, beverage, and dairy processing. 

Why Choose Eagle Fittings?

At Eagle fittings, we have gained the trust of our customers because we offer superior quality, customization, and fast delivery. 

What sets Eagle Fittings apart is our expertise in custom fabrication. We create solutions to meet your  specifications, supported by efficient production processes and a dedicated team. With lead times typically ranging from 10 to 15 business days, you can count on us for timely project completion. 

By choosing Eagle Fittings, you gain a trusted partner committed to delivering high-quality, hygienic, and durable sanitary tubing. 

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